Sunday, September 11, 2011

Running Update

For the second year in a row I am training for the Evansville Half-Marathon. This year's race is on October 9, 2011. We had a 10K warm up race this past Saturday. My goal was to improve my time from last year and I am happy to say I did it!! I completed the 6.2 mile race in 1 hour 12 min. and 20 seconds. The half-marathon is 13.1 miles so I will have to do more than double the 10K distance. My training runs have been going well. I was slowed down by some knee pain, but it is feeling fine now. Besides some blisters I am pysically holding up really well this year. Mentally I am staying strong also and am looking forward to the race. My goal is to again improve on my time last year, but ultimately I will just be happy to finish.