Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fifth and Fastest!

On October 5th I participated in the Evansville Half-Marathon. This was my 5th Half-Marathon! That alone is so hard for me to believe. I can still remember my first half, I walked the whole thing. I decided back in July when I started training that I wanted to finish this race with a personal best time. My previous best was 2 hours 44 minutes. I felt confident I could reach my goal because I made it part of my Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge! I started The Challenge back in February after a friend introduced me to it. I have lost 10lbs and 7 inches since then! I am feeling great and I have more energy. I have also attended several Challenge events allowing me to travel and make some new friends! So when it came to training for this half-marathon I once again joined the YMCA's Team 13 training group. We ran three days a week and gradually increased our mileage. Despite sticking to a training routine I had used before my times got faster and faster. The only thing I was doing differently was using the Body By Vi products. I drank my protein shakes, used my Vi-Pak vitamins and before/during runs I used the Go Instant Energy and Pro-longed energy. So when it came to race day I was feeling very confident, but the was an element I didn't really plan on - RAIN! It started out as a sprinkle, but quickly became a steady rain and often was a downpour. By the time I was half way I was completely soaked, and could feel the blisters starting to form on my feet. My I-pod stopped working so for a good 6 miles I had to struggle to keep the negative thoughts and pain I was experiencing from slowing me down. I kept thinking of how I would feel once I reached the finish and just kept putting one foot in front of the other. So when I crossed the finish line after 2 hours 31 minutes I was ecstatic!!! I beat my previous best time by 13 minutes!!! In the running world that's huge. I owe it all to the Body By Vi Challenge and am looking forward to seeing what else I can accomplish on my future challenges. Here is my before and after picture! If you want to know more about the Challenge check out my website

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